Anti-Aging Medicine
Anti-Aging Medicine
Anti-Aging medicine is defined as proactive healthcare that treatment body processes that generate health and disease. Although life expectancy is increasing due to advances in medical science, it has come with little progress towards quality of life or longevity of disease-free years in the majority of the population. Research supports a maximum human life span of just over 110 years. Anti-Aging medicine aims to maintain or achieve this irrespective of chronological age i.e. to stay healthy and biologically efficient.
Weight Management
An important part of Anti-Aging is weight management which impacts total health and internal inflammation. At Augusta Anti-Aging Medicine, we offer a comprehensive weight management program that is tailored to your individual needs.

The use of Peptide Therapy in healthcare has grown and is widely available as a treatment option for numerous conditions. At Augusta Anti-Aging Medicine, we use advanced medicine to ensure our patients receive the highest quality of care. As such, we are proud to announce our upcoming peptide therapy to our patients as a method of improving their overall health, wellness, and quality of life.