Weight Management
An important part of Anti-Aging is weight management which impacts total health and internal inflammation. At Augusta Anti-Aging Medicine, we offer a comprehensive weight management program that is tailored to your individual needs.

Achieving Weight Loss
There are different methods to achieving weight loss. Many patients may participate in varying methods to achieving weight loss such as, low carbohydrate-high fat; a low fat; time-restrictive; “Keto”; or a glycemic index diet. The studies reviewed have helped to prolong scientific uncertainty over whether low-carbohydrate or low-fat diets are the most effective for long-term weight control. The current recommendations include a diet that contains a variety of plants and restricted refined foods, high fiber, and the elimination of refined sugars, gluten, and dairy seems to provide the most benefit. Obtaining optimal protein and fiber in the daily diet promotes satiety and sustainable weight control. Targeting identifiable populations with specific macronutrient compositions based on physiological principles is ideal to customize your weight loss journey and to prevent weight gain. Studies do support individuals on hormone replacement therapy have better weight loss outcomes from hormone deficient individuals. However, the best course of therapy for weight management is the one you are most compliant with.
Our Weight Management Program
Our weight management program consists of:
- Dietary Recommendations
- Exercise Recommendations
- Nutraceutical Support
- Appetite Suppressant Therapy
- Branch Chain Amino Acid Support
- Fat Emulsifier Injections
- Oral Therapy to suppress appetite and improve satiety
- A Biometrics Evaluation: Every initial clinical weight management consult consists of a biometric analysis to establish baseline body composition to compare quarterly while you loose weight. See sample analysis below.

Your Free Weight Management resource

Injection Therapy with GLP-1 and GLP-1 + GIP therapy, if appropriate, to suppress appetite and reduce glycemic burden.
To achieve maximum weight loss goals, these products are designed to be used with other weight loss products and/or exercise. Please note, injections are not a complete substitute for proper diet and exercise. They assist in weight loss enhancement results. For maximum benefit our weight loss treatments are designed to be used in conjunction with proper nutritional support, diet observation, & exercise. The addition of other B vitamins permits inositol to be a more effective lipotropic agent.
Injections are used to keep cholesterol more soluble, thus prevent accumulation of fats in the liver. They metabolize fats and cholesterol, and aid in transporting of fat in the blood stream & removal, thereby enhancing reduction of fat in the body. They also increases our average daily energy level and physical sense of well-being.