Hair Restoration
It is estimated that 40% of women and 85% of men suffer from hair loss or thinning before the age of 50. Augusta Anti-Aging Medicine(A2M) offers a new non- surgical solution, based on the same proprietary technology derived from mesenchymal stem cells that is found in its revolutionary post- procedure products and anti-aging skincare range.
Before & After

At A2M we offer treatments utilizing a Professional Advanced Hair System that contains a high concentration of Rejuvenating Conditioned Media, which contains powerful stem cell derived growth factors, to help promote fuller looking hair. This active ingredient works with in-clinic hair regrowth treatments and hair transplant procedures by providing a nutrient- rich micro environment to help boost a regenerative response.
Hair Follicles & Thinning Hair
What role does the hair follicle play in hair thinning?
From the moment we are born, our hair follicles undergo a repetitive sequence of growth and rest. This hair cycle consists of the relatively well-known anagen, catagen and telogen phases, plus an additional exogen phase.
The anagen phase typically lasts 3 to 7 years on average. Approximately 80 to 90% of the hair follicles should be in this growing phase at any one time in a healthy head of hair. To explain the complexity of the cycle in short, hair morphogenesis consists of mesenchymal cells forming a dermal papilla and in turn melanocytes migrate into the bulb to provide pigment.
Several complex reasons may disrupt or impair this cycle.
- Genes
- Hormones
- Stress
- Medication
- Diet
- Malnutrition
- Underlying health conditions (thyroid or anemia)
- Styling chemicals
- Over Processing Hair
All of these may affect the growth cycle or damage hair.
Commonly, several factors may be present at one time. It is always recommended to rule out underlying conditions to hair loss prior to starting treatment.
At Augusta Anti-Aging Medicine, we use a Professional Advanced Hair System that is a stem cell-derived serum containing key proteins and growth factors to help stimulate, nourish and condition the appearance of weak and struggling hair follicles. When infused into the scalp with micro needling, the powerful proteins are more likely to provide hair follicle support and visibly condition the skin on the scalp.
In vitro results showed a cell growth of 24.1% with CALECIM® Professional Advanced Hair System, when compared to a dermal papilla cell growth of 24.5% with use of Minoxidil at a concentration of 2ug/ml, making this a good drug-free option.
treatment protocol
The patient should attend clinic with clean hair and no product applied.
To clean the skin on the scalp, we use a Chlorhexidine 0.5% or Clinisept prep & procedure solution.
The needle depth can range from 0.5mm to 1.5mm, depending where one is treating on the scalp – 0.5mm to 0.6mm across hair line and temple area, and 1.0mm to 1.5mm for vertex and crown area.
For targeted areas, we apply 2.5ml of CALECIM® Professional Advanced Hair System and massage in. The client can then take the remainder home and apply the next day with clean hands. For larger affected areas the entire bottle may be needed during the in- clinic application. The hair should not be washed for 24 to 48 hours.
The entire procedure takes around 20 minutes and an initial course of 6 is recommended; one treatment per week for 6 weeks. For more advanced or complex hair loss issues, a course of 12 is recommended. Maintenance should be one touch-up treatment every 3 to 6 months depending on severity of hair loss.